Vertical winding machines for power transformers

Bobinatrice verticale in fossa

The vertical winding machines for LAE power transformers do not require any particular preparation of the foundations.

This allows significant cost reductions and avoids any infrastructural impact.

The starting and stopping of the spindle are extremely smooth thanks to the use of a servomotor controlled by an appropriately parameterized inverter.

This allows the large inertia involved in this type of winding to be optimally managed, avoiding bounces that could compromise the compactness of the reel.

Improved quality

  • Very smooth start and stop
  • Finished product high quality

Increased efficiency

  • High reliability
  • Robust machine structure

Greater productivity

  • Automatic stop & bending
  • Easy loading of row materials
  • Ergonomic design

Reduced cost

  • No infrastructural impact
  • Long-life machine
  • Reduced maintenance

Innovation from experience

Bobinatrici verticali per trasformatori di potenza

No infrastructural impact

The vertical winding machines for LAE power transformers do not require any particular preparation of the foundations.

This permits significant cost reductions and avoids any infrastructural impact.


Bobinatrici verticali per trasformatori di potenza

Smooth Start and Stop

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L’avvio e l’arresto della rotazione del mandrino di traino sono estremamente dolci grazie all’utilizzo di un servomotore controllato da un inverter opportunamente parametrizzato.  Questo permette di gestire in maniera ottimale le grandi inerzie in gioco per questo tipo di avvolgimento, evitando rimbalzi che potrebbero compromettere la compattezza della bobina.


Automatic stop & bending

The device for tensioning, measuring and bending the cables, with dedicated software, allows you to pre-calculate the stop position and automatically bend the conductors, for the passage from one disk to the next. The system drastically reduces the production time of continuous disc coils, made with one or two conductors.

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