Low voltage foil winding machines

Our foil winding machines are designed to wind Low Voltage transformer coils ranging from approx 10 kVA to 40 MVA.

LAE’s vast experience allows us to offer customized solutions for any need: winding from 200 to 1600 mm in height, with one or two copper or aluminum plates, from one to three insulating unwinders, with or without paper trimming, and much more.

The machines can also be equipped with external or internal TIG and Cold Weld welding systems. Cold Welding system allows you to weld copper with aluminum. When integrated into the machine, the welders dramatically increase the productivity.

Whatever your needs, LAE can build the right machine for you.



  • Ready for round, oval and rectangular windings
  • High precision foil tension control


  • Winding stops controlled by the machine
  • Cold weld or TIG version available


  • Internal TIG or Cold Weld welding devices available
  • Rotating external TIG unit so to weld without unwinding


  • Regenerative and energy saving foil braking system
  • Low maintenance

Innovation from experience

Foil Tension Control System (FTCS)

Low voltage winding is the fundamental step in determining the final shape and size of the coil. To ensure tight dimensional tolerances it is necessary to have an excellent sheet tensioning system.

The LAE Foil Tension Control System (FTCS) is a patented system that controls the tension in a closed loop while mapping the tangential speeds on the coil.

In this way, the dimensional control is perfect also when windings of complex shapes (oval, rectangular), with one or two foils.

Welding systems

Whatever the most suitable welding system for your production, LAE has the right solution for your needs. Thanks to many years of experience in the sector, LAE is able to equip its winding machines with TIG systems, Cold Welding or both.

Depending on the type of welding required and the size of the conductor, the welding system can be integrated into the machine, making processing easier, faster and more productive.

Regenerative braking

The decoiler of the LAE winding machine is a complex patented mechanical system, in which three servo drives provide for spindle expansion, alignment and coil braking.

Regenerative braking, controlled by a brushless motor, allows a reduction in processing energy costs. The system, working together with load cells, allows for the most precise tension control on the market.

The total absence of pneumatic and hydraulic components also eliminates the wear and reliability problems of non-electroactuated systems.

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