LAE Quality Policy: ISO 9001

ISO9001 certification

Consistent with LAE’s values ​​of innovation, experience, quality, synergy with customers and with the aim of satisfying the latter, the implementation of a Quality System has become a priority for LAE for many years.

LAE’s commitment to Quality is attested by the ISO 9001 certification, obtained by one of the leading independent bodies, recognized worldwide, for several years and promptly confirmed by annual renewals, in accordance with the new editions of the standard.

The LAE Quality System has been defined and implemented by processes, therefore aimed at being a complete and effective management and control tool for all company functions, from sales to production, from assistance to human resources, from commissioning to financial control.

In particular, the Management in recent years has wanted to focus its efforts on design control which is the phase on which most attention has been paid, as it is fundamental for the quality of the final product and a distinctive feature of LAE machines.

The company is therefore committed to pursuing the following objectives:

  • Promote Quality, with the utmost respect for stakeholders, as a strategy to achieve excellence;
  • Establish and maintain a quality system compliant with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard;
  • Respect the quality requirements of the product and service in accordance with what has been agreed with the Customers and in compliance with the applicable rules and laws with the aim of satisfying the Customer also trying to exceed their expectations in terms of performance, service and sharing of skills;
  • Protect the Health and Safety of Workers by ensuring vigilance and prevention against the risks of occupational diseases and accidents, through the implementation and promotion of a culture of Health and Safety;
  • Maintain the professional level of all staff up to the task assigned to them, promoting continuous improvement in terms of skills, processes and performance;
  • Encourage the consultation and participation of workers, also through their representatives, regarding the development, planning, implementation, performance evaluation and achievement results of the objectives set.

LAE srl also undertakes:

  • so that this policy is understood, implemented and supported by all interested parties, guaranteeing adequate human, technical and financial resources capable of ensuring the achievement of the Objectives;
  • to keep this policy in line with the company situation and with the technical – structural – organizational-contextual development, through periodic review of the same;
  • to plan, implement, review, maintain effective and continually improve its Quality management system.

This policy is disseminated and communicated, through various channels such as company bulletin boards, e-mailing and posting in the company, to all collaborators within the organization and made available to relevant interested parties, in order to promote their involvement and awareness of what LAE is and how it operates.




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